Meet Gabby

If you are DONE with cancer treatment let me show you how to go from exhaustion and anxiety to fearless, healthy and happy living.

gabby mallorca

I believe that we can create our own happiness and our own health. Is it always easy? No, but it is always worth it.

My life has not always been comfortable, I had a difficult childhood, I have experienced abuse, abandonment and being 'in care' ( with not much caring going on) of the local authority.

I was pregnant and homeless aged 15.

At just 17 I escaped from domestic violence, but I was determined to overcome my challenges, and give my children the loving and secure home that I had never had.

As an adult I struggled to build a corporate career whilst dealing with depression and anxiety, in my 20s and 30s I worked long hours, studied part time and became a Director aged 39.

Surely I was finally winning at life?

As John Lennon said 'Life is what happens when you are making other plans'

On the outside I was successful and happy, inside I was stressed and frightened, and had major 'imposter syndrome', terrified my peers would uncover my flaws, of which I was convinced there were many.

My early 40s were overshadowed by my eldest son's drug addiction,  my work redundancies and then my diagnosis of Inflammatory Breast Cancer, rare and aggressive at the age of 44.

My prognosis was not good, and the treatment was gruelling. But it put into very sharp focus what is important in life: to love and to be loved.

My goal is not just to ‘survive’, that term is so fatalistic and bleak.

I was determined to thrive, to have a wonderful life filled with health and abundance, to become the amazing person I was meant to be before life wore me down, knocking my confidence and self esteem to the ground.

I have transformed my health and my mindset, and now I want to help others to do the same. I am a qualified Confidence Coach, I am a IBC 16 year survivor and eternal optimist. 

My challenges have driven me to study nutrition, and many years of self development have helped me to create a life that I love. I am married to a wonderful man, who makes me laugh every day. I have two sons that I am so very proud of, and grandchildren that make my heart swell with love.

I have learned how to thrive in the face of adversity and now it is my privilege to help other people live their best lives.

My  passion is show others simple steps to turn from a survivor into a thriver.

If you are ready to become the happiest person you know, then you are ready to work with me.  My courses and coaching have proven methods for deep and lasting transformation

You can work 121 with me, or work through my online courses to turn frustration and cancer fatigue into your healthiest life ever.

This is the support I wish I had when I completed treatment and didn't know how to move forward.  Let me show you everything I have learned about recovery. It took me years to create Confidence after Cancer, but it can take you just 12 weeks to completely change your life. 

I've done it - and I know you can too. I'm here for you

Your friend, Gabby x


Gabby Aug 22 photo 4

A time to celebrate.

I hope this finds you well. It's a very special week for me this week because I will be celebrating my 60th birthday. As a cancer survivor it's always a special birthday, especially one that ends in zero