Feng Shui – Top tips for Working from Home
Many people choose to work from home, and many more have been forced to work from home due to the pandemic. It is so important that you have a designated work area, ideally that does not impose on your home or family life.
I have seen people working in their bedrooms, or kitchens, which is not ideal, but you can counteract this by some simple steps. If you work like this, at the end of the working day it is doubly important to close your computer, clear your work area, so that visually you are not constantly distracted by work, when you should be relaxing. If you have a computer in your bedroom, you should switch it off before going to sleep, and put all work papers away out of sight.
If you are lucky enough to have a space designated as a home office, think about the layout. Can you look at a pleasant view? I am lucky enough to have a desk facing a window. Do you have everything you need organised effectively? Can you put everything away at the end of the day, so that you start the next day with a clear desk? Can you empty your bin every day?
Plants play an important role in curating good feng shui in any living room because they add life force energy into the space. This is particularly important if you work with computers, plants can eliminate and absorb electromagnetic radiation. Plants can help to purify the air and give the room a splash of colour and texture. Common plants with positive vibes include English ivy, peace lily, mother in laws tongue (also known as a snake plant) rubber tree, bamboo and all succulents.
I also like to have an oil diffuser in my home office, I find citrus oils, lemon, grapefruit or sweet orange, give me more mental clarity and help with concentration. A scented candle would be just as effective.
And again keep on top of that pesky clutter!
Thanks for reading
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