Being healthy can be easy

Bright Modern Eat Well Feel Well Instagram Post

Happy (almost) Summer, friend! It’s hard to believe that we’re approaching the halfway mark of another year.

How are you doing so far this year?

The midway mark is a good time in any journey to stop and take stock. Here are a few questions to help you self-assess:

  •    What goals and intentions did you start the year with?
  •    What wins are you most proud of from these first five months?
  •    What’s been missing from your year so far?
  •    Where do you need to reset and reprioritize for the rest of the year?
  •    What gets in the way of you achieving what you want to? Do you need to ask for help with anything?

I’m a big believer in heart-centered goal-setting. Today, I’m here to remind you that you don’t have to say goodbye to your goal of better health just because January’s a long way behind us. In fact, Summer can open up our perspective on goal achievement, if we let it. It invites us to imagine a warmer, brighter and simpler way forward.

So in the spirit of Summer, let’s ask of our wellness goals: what would this look like if it was easy?

·       Could you just move for 15 minutes at the start of each day and let that be enough?

·       Could you swap that evening ice cream for a delicious bowl of fruit instead and enjoy all the indulgence with a lot more nutrition?

·       Could you set a timer (and set a favorite book or oil diffuser by your bed) so you actually look forward to unwinding at the end of the day?

·       Could you slice up some summer citrus and drop it in your water glass to make staying hydrated a little more delicious?

·       Could you take 3 deep breaths right now to rest your mind and remind your nervous system that it’s safe to relax?

Wellness doesn’t have to be hard, my friend. It’s your birthright and your body’s natural state. Consider this your friendly reminder: be kind to yourself today. Let it be easier.

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