Gabby's Blog


7 Habits of Confident People


Our mind is a very powerful tool, and the impact of our thoughts and words cannot be underestimated. Confident people have decided to control their minds, and focus on their happiness,  rather than being led by their fears.

Confidence is often the difference between people who get what they want and people who don't. Those who think and believe they can do something -- run a marathon, lose weight, get the job or the partner of their dreams, start a business, build a loving and fun social circle…

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How to Get out of a Dark Place

July 22 4

It's easy to believe that every day is special when things are going well. Yesterday I had a big disappointment, no need to share the personal details here, but for a while I was very upset, then full of despair as my mind began thinking of all the worst case scenarios that could ensue from this event.

This is despite my years of training in coaching, and learning how to control those pesky unhelpful thoughts, I am only human and I still succumb to negative thinking on occasion. In the past thi…

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10 steps to go from overwhelmed to calm

10 steps to go from overwhelm to calm Calm Blog Instagram Story


More and more of us are feeling overwhelmed. With all that is going on in the world, and trying to keep on top of our lives, it can sometimes just all get too much. No matter how great we get at delegating, how successful our time management strategies or how many hours we have in our week.

Whatever your specific context, these 10 tried and tested steps are designed to move you from total meltdown, to feeling calm and focused as smoothly as possible.

So, next time overwhelm strikes,…

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My #1 Effective Tool to Overcome Limiting Beliefs

Mind tool

My #1 Effective Tool to Overcome Limiting Beliefs

I was talking with a coaching client yesterday, and she said something that I have heard so many times.

‘I don’t feel like I am worthy of love’

Wow – that phrase is something I could relate to all too well. As a survivor of abuse, and many challenges in my life, there have been times when I felt exactly like that. So how did I overcome this? Well, I tried many things over many years, but what was the most effective tool which helped me to stop…

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How do you move forward when treatment ends?

CAC From Survivor to Thriver

Do you feel like you have the ‘sword of Damocles’ hanging over you?

Are you struggling to feel happy that you have survived cancer?

When you finish treatment it can be like the safety net has been taken away.

The healthcare professionals wave you goodbye. Your friends and family breathe a sigh of relief that it is ‘all over’. You may feel exhausted, confused and anxious. But everyone expects you to be happy.

The "sword of Damocles" is a modern expression, which to us means a sense of impending doom,…

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Coping Mechanisms That Support Not Hurt You

Gabby Linked In

Hello, my friend and Happy New Year!

You don’t need me to tell you —what’s happening in the world is increasing our stress levels day by day. We’re collectively facing fear, uncertainty, loneliness, and grief as we witness and experience the pain happening around us.

And on top of that, we don’t have access to all our usual comforts and coping mechanisms, like grabbing a coffee or lunch with a friend, enjoying a live band, or sweating it out at the gym. As a result, we may end up reaching for …

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What Is Scanxiety? Tips for Reducing Your Fears and Worries

Anyone who has had a cancer diagnosis will be monitored regularly, even after we finish treatment, it is common to be classed as NED (No evidence of Disease) rather than ‘cured’ or ‘in remission’. It is completely normal to be apprehensive about tests, and find yourself being moody or preoccupied, or simply feeling out of control. Increased heart rate, irritability, sweaty palms, and nausea are all common symptoms that people can exper…

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How to stay positive in a crazy world

Gabby Mottershead 5

“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” Anais Nin

I love this quote. I am often asked how I stay so positive. to be honest I think it takes much more effort to be negative, and whilst I sometimes suffer with depression, I am conscious now of when I am slipping into that pit of despair.

The answer to how I stay so positive is that I make it a priority in my life. We all have such a short time on this earth, in this lifetime, why not choose happiness? 

I find the following hel…

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