Gabby's Blog


Positive Mental Attitude - PMA. Can You Think Yourself Back to Full Health?

June 22 2

Is positive thinking enough to get you through a cancer diagnosis and through the treatment afterwards?

How is it possible to be positive when you feel bad?

When you've had that diagnosis that tells you that you've had cancer and quite possibly you may be going to die, how can you be really positive about that? I think it's a lot more than positive mental attitude that is going to get you through this.

The sad fact is we're all going to die sooner or later. Something we don’t like to think …

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Does Stress Cause Cancer?

July 22 1


Why does stress make us ill? Is it true that stress causes cancer?

How can we manage stress?

Is it possible to avoid it altogether or can we make it manageable in our lives rather than letting it take over everything?

It seems to many people that stress is everywhere. It seems for a lot of people that stress is just ‘part of life’. We've almost become to expect that there's nothing that you can do about it. But is that true? I'd like to think about why we get stressed and what that …

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How I create a New Year to look forward to

_Happy New Year Instagram Story

Happy New Year!

I wanted to share a New Year ritual that I have that helps me to ‘draw a line’ under the old year just passed. I like to take down my old wall calendar and look at my paper planner (I am old school, I like to have a diary that I can write on!) However this works equally well with digital planners.

I like to take some time, over a cup of tea, and reflect on all the things that happened, good and bad, in the year just gone.

There are two things that always surprise me.

  1. How mu…

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Hello winter! - Baby, it's cold outside

Hello Winter (Facebook Post)

Well after some very unusually mild weather winter has finally come to the UK. I'll be honest it's not my favourite season, dark mornings and dark evenings starting earlier and earlier it seems have sapped my energy. I'm seeing signs everywhere that nature is confused by this unseasonal weather, and to be honest, so am I. As a self confessed sun worshipper, the reduced hours of daylight are affecting me more and more, but why is this? I did some research and discovered it's all to do with Circ…

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Want to Be Smarter? Then Learn to Relax

Part of my journey to wellness has been about learning how to manage stress. For years in my corporate job, I just thought that stress was just part of life, everyone I knew was the same. 
It wasn't until I stepped off that hamster wheel to focus on my recovery after cancer treatment that I really started to understand the connection between stress and illness.

When stressed you simply cannot think straight, and after being permanently stressed for any period of time, we don't even not…

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Self Care Sunday - 3 Tips for You

Hello there !
I hope you are enjoying your day - 3 tips to help you remember that you need to rest and replenish. Self Care Sunday is a must for me to keep myself well

1. Do  nothingRest, relax and don't worry about what you 'should ' be doing. Enjoy a stress free day - when did you last do that? If you are like me, it feels very uncomfortable to sit and do absolutely nothing, there is always housework to do, always a list of tasks not done. But I've found when I take time to rest and r…

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7 Steps to Self Love


7 Steps to Self Love

I’ve written before about how Self Love is the first step to healing your life. Really connecting with yourself, putting yourself first may be a habit you find hard at first, but I found these steps helped me, and I hope they help you too

1 Create a self- love ritual

I like to do this every Sunday evening. A time to consciously think about pampering myself and preparing for the week ahead.

A bubble bath, scented candles and some uplifting music help me to relax. Bea…

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Putting Yourself First Is Not Selfish

Note to self

As women, we are taught, often subconsciously, that nice girls are not ‘selfish’ and ‘take care of others first’.

That’s sometimes appropriate, but as a reformed people pleaser, I know that not being able to set clear boundaries with others can cause you so much pain. Sometimes we need to be ‘selfish’ and put ourselves first. 

When you exercise your boundaries and learn to say no, you have more free time to devote to what is important to you, your health, your passions and priorities. And yes you…

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The Number 1 Thing That Cancer Survivors Are Getting Wrong

July 22 2

We all want to thrive when treatment ends don’t we?

But what is the best thing to do? Change your diet? Take supplements? Avoid certain foods? Eliminate sugar, dairy, meat?  Abstain from alcohol? Lose weight?

Well some of those things may or not be appropriate for you.

But they are not THE BIGGEST THING you need to do.

If you are a cancer survivor, you know that cancer= FEAR

So to really thrive the most important thing we need to do is to let go of the fear.

Working on your mindset, is the MOST import…

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Do you ever feel like no one else understands how you are feeling?


It can be hard when cancer treatment ends

How can you expect anyone else to understand when you don't understand yourself?

From that feeling of relief or elation when you finish your hospital treatment, you may feel like you are in freefall, with no one to catch you. And where will you end up?

I assumed when treatment ended I would pick myself up, and go back to my old life. Except I had changed.

Have you ever heard the expression ; No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not t…

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