Gabby's Blog


Would You like to Feel Good Again after Treatment Has Ended?

Before and after

Hiya lovely 

If you’ve ever wanted to get your mojo back, lose weight and feel more energetic, but you’re struggling, then you’re going to want to read every word of this…

You see, I was a lot like you. When I finished cancer treatment I went from being focused on surviving, to trying to piece my life back together again.


It was tough. I was bloated from steroids, exhausted and just about lost all belief that I would ever feel better again. This is me 4 weeks after mastectomy, following 5 m…

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5 Steps to Happiness

5 Steps to Happiness

5 GREAT steps to happiness

Some days are harder than others to feel happy. Life can be full of ups and downs, and we are all living in some very turbulent times. Energies are shifting and it can be hard to stay positive.

Everyone’s path to happiness is different, but research suggests these things can have a positive impact on your happiness and well-being.


Doing things for others, helping others is not only good for them, as well as being a lovely thing to do, it can make us happie…

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How to Get out of a Dark Place

July 22 4

It's easy to believe that every day is special when things are going well. Yesterday I had a big disappointment, no need to share the personal details here, but for a while I was very upset, then full of despair as my mind began thinking of all the worst case scenarios that could ensue from this event.

This is despite my years of training in coaching, and learning how to control those pesky unhelpful thoughts, I am only human and I still succumb to negative thinking on occasion. In the past thi…

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Being healthy can be easy

Bright Modern Eat Well Feel Well Instagram Post

Happy (almost) Summer, friend! It’s hard to believe that we’re approaching the halfway mark of another year.

How are you doing so far this year?

The midway mark is a good time in any journey to stop and take stock. Here are a few questions to help you self-assess:

  •    What goals and intentions did you start the year with?
  •    What wins are you most proud of from these first five months?
  •    What’s been missing from your year so far?
  •    Where do you need to reset and reprioritize for the re…

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Happy Easter!

Happy Easter

 Happy Easter!

And may all your Easter eggs be 70% cacao.  There’s plenty of evidence to suggest that dark chocolate is good for you, and so you can munch away without even a scintilla of guilt.


Dark chocolate is especially good for regulating blood pressure and cholesterol, and it’s an antioxidant that’s rich in fibre, iron, magnesium, and copper.


Chocolate won’t be the only thing you’ll be eating over Easter that can give your health a boost.  To demonstrate the point, the Center for …

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My #1 Effective Tool to Overcome Limiting Beliefs

Mind tool

My #1 Effective Tool to Overcome Limiting Beliefs

I was talking with a coaching client yesterday, and she said something that I have heard so many times.

‘I don’t feel like I am worthy of love’

Wow – that phrase is something I could relate to all too well. As a survivor of abuse, and many challenges in my life, there have been times when I felt exactly like that. So how did I overcome this? Well, I tried many things over many years, but what was the most effective tool which helped me to stop…

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Coping Mechanisms That Support Not Hurt You

Gabby Linked In

Hello, my friend and Happy New Year!

You don’t need me to tell you —what’s happening in the world is increasing our stress levels day by day. We’re collectively facing fear, uncertainty, loneliness, and grief as we witness and experience the pain happening around us.

And on top of that, we don’t have access to all our usual comforts and coping mechanisms, like grabbing a coffee or lunch with a friend, enjoying a live band, or sweating it out at the gym. As a result, we may end up reaching for …

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Champagne Mocktail


Champagne Mocktail

Bring in the New Year with this lightly fizzy, refreshing Champagne Mocktail. The coconut water and lime juice not only gives this drink great flavour, but also offers critical hydration, glucose and minerals. Add the pomegranate seeds for a festive touch or skip them altogether. 

Coconut water has the ability to hydrate the body on a deep, cellular level making it an essential beverage for athletes and those that live a busy, active life. It also has been shown to help bala…

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Feng Shui - Creating a home that nurtures and supports you - The bedroom

bedroom 2

I hope that you can now see from my previous blog, how appreciating how connected we are to our homes can affect our mood and well-being. A home should nourish our senses and we can use our homes to create magic. By allowing energy to flow freely through our homes we can improve overall quality of life.

Again- it’s worth repeating, one of the most important guidelines I can share is to keep your home clear of clutter.

When thinking about you home, consider appealing to the five senses: Touch, …

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Feng Shui – Top tips for Working from Home

home office

Many people choose to work from home, and many more have been forced to work from home due to the pandemic. It is so important that you have a designated work area, ideally that does not impose on your home or family life.

I have seen people working in their bedrooms, or kitchens, which is not ideal, but you can counteract this by some simple steps. If you work like this, at the end of the working day it is doubly important to close your computer, clear your work area, so that visually you are …

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