Gabby's Blog


Forgiveness - for yourself and for others



 It's a subject that comes up time and time again, when people are maybe struggling with something. I’d like to share some thoughts with you.

Louise Hay

Louise is one of my favourite authors, a very inspirational woman. She wrote a wonderful book called ‘ You can heal your life’ that I would highly recommend. This is one of the most profound books I have ever read, it literally changed my life.

Louise says, quite often if we get stuck in life, it's because we have some forgiven…

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Feeling Triggered after Cancer Treatment Ends


Feeling Triggered After Cancer Treatment Ends

Quite often people will say after cancer treatment ends, ‘I was thought I was doing really well, and then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, boom! - an event, or something in the news will shake me, and take me back to a dark place’

A couple of things have happened this week that have really made me reflect on this. And first one was the death of somebody I didn’t know and had never met, Jacqueline Gold an amazing woman who was in the public eye, w…

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Resilience - the ability to cope with and recover from setbacks

Grief (1)

Resilience - an essential tool for Life After Cancer

What can you do when life knocks you back? Is it possible to learn to thrive in the face of adversity?

I've got some tips for you on that. Secondly, I'm going to be talking about reframing events that happen in your life. That means  looking at things that have happened to you in a different way, and taking away the lessons, the learning, or maybe just an alternative point of view of some of the things that may have knocked you back in lif…

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Relationships after a cancer diagnosis

EP9 (1)

Relationships after a cancer diagnosis

At the risk of stating the blindingly obvious, once you receive a cancer diagnosis, your life is changed forever. One of the biggest areas that may change is relationships:

Relationships with your partner, with your friends and family, and quite often – the relationship you have with yourself.

Close relationships

So first of all, thinking about your intimate relationship with your partner, whether you're in a marriage, or you've got a close relationship with th…

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How to Get a Good Night's Sleep

How to get the best sleep


Why do we need sleep? Why is it so important for us? Does it really matter if you don't get enough sleep, surely you can just catch up later?

Creating the right environment for your best sleep.

I'm going to suggest to you things have worked for me, but we're all different. So you pick and choose what works for you. I'm not here to tell you what to do. I'm here to invite you to think about the things that you're doing and whether they are serving you well. And the last thing is just som…

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Is your job making you sick?


Is your job making you sick?

Not in a physical sense, unless your job is manual and hurting your body, I'm thinking about our mindset and how we feel about work.

So what can you do if you feel that you're stressed? What can you do if you feel that your job is not helping you, or actually making you sick?

Unfortunately this is all too common in my experience.

My work history, like a lot of people is that I fell into a finance job when I was very young, I found that I was good at it and quite …

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Heal and Be Happy - 3 Principles for Nutrition

Heal and Be Happy

3 Key Nutrition Principles

What is a healthy diet? It seems that are a myriad of new theories about what is best.

Keto, vegan, low fat, low calorie, high fibre,  Intermittent Fasting, TRE (Time restricted eating) – I’ve seen online articles about all of these in the last few days alone.

So how do you know which is best?

As always, I'm not going to tell you what you must do and what you mustn't do. I'm going to invite you to think about your nutrition. Is it serving your health goals? And if …

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Habits for Happiness


‘Happiness, happiness, the greatest gift that I possess’ 

I loved that song as a child, but back then I didn’t appreciate just how elusive happiness could be, both for me as an adult, and for so many people.

Most of us aspire to be happy and I have been thinking about why is it that some people just seem to go through life very happy, and some people don't?

What can we do about happiness? Is this something that we can create? Is it just something it's outside of our control if bad things …

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Overcoming Scanxiety


The biggest issue that many cancer survivors face is Fear. And for some people that fear gets worse, and more life limiting after treatment has finished.

What can we do about that ?  Is it just something you have to accept ? That it's just the way life's going to be now after your treatment is finished?

A huge issue for a lot of people is fear of checkups and ‘scanxiety’, the crippling fear of going for scans, waiting for the results and not knowing if you are going to get bad news again.

So …

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The greatest love of all - it's inside of you

Love Yourself First Quote Instagram Post

Self-love. That's a phrase that triggers a lot of people.

What is self-love ? Why is it important that you heal the relationship with yourself? Why is self-love so difficult for all of us?

The concept of self love is something that I've only recently learned, just how important it is to love and accept yourself. And I've come to realize that most people I meet don't even like themselves, never mind love themselves. And before we can talk about healing or changing anything in our life, we nee…

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